RailsBricks 3.0.2 is available and you are advised to update before starting a new project. Here’s what’s included:

  • Added: Ruby 2.1.5 support
  • Removed: Ruby 2.1.3 support
  • Updated: README to reflect the changes regarding Windows support
  • Enhanced: added some convenience classes to the default CSS for spacing (example: space-top-md)
  • Enhanced: added some convenience classes for images
  • Updated: a flashy new default favicon!
  • Added: support for apple-touch style favicon
  • Updated: the following gems were updated:
    • bootstrap-sass:
    • coffee-rails: 4.1.0
    • sass-rails: 4.0.4
    • turbolinks: 2.5.2

Ruby 2.1.5 is a security update and so, you are advised to update.

A note on Windows support

Right now, RailsBricks doesn’t support Windows out of the box but as it has been pointed out by David Camarena, to have RailsBricks work with Windows, you will first need to install the DevKit as well as the tzinfo-data gem.

A more elegant solution is being investigated.