It took a little bit more time than expected but RailsBricks 3 is finally available! Get it through gem install railsbricks
, check out the video, have a quick read through the get started or discover the upcoming web development guide with Ruby, Rails & RailsBricks.
RailsBricks 3 packs some awesome new features:
- optional generation of all the resources necessary for a blog, news articles or product updates using the Markdown syntax
- optional Unicorn configuration for deployment in production
- optional generation of a Contact form
- several UI themes to choose from (based on Bootstrap 3)
- choose between SQLite or PostgreSQL as the development database
- …and more!
As RailsBricks is moving forward, some features were removed:
- no test framework included: everybody approaches testing differently so it is up to you to choose and implement the framework you prefer
- no more Reset CSS UI option: RailsBricks uses Bootstrap 3 only
Web development guide
RailsBricks is now at version 3 and since its first version, I received tons of feedback and loads of questions. This is why I also intend to create a web development guide. Follow @railsbricks on Twitter to know when it gets released.
The future
RailsBricks 3 is freshly out of the oven but I already started on working on a new feature for version 3.1: the capability to add a forum to your app. I will also continue to maintain RailsBricks and update it as new versions of Ruby or Rails get released.
Contact and feedback
If you have comments, suggestions, feedback or feature requests, don’t hesitate to drop me a line using the contact form (built with RailsBricks!) or on Twitter @railsbricks.
Now, go build something awesome!