RailsBricks 3.1.0 is available and you are advised to update before starting a new project. Here’s what’s included:

  • Updated: Rails version is now the shiny new 4.2.0
  • Updated: the following gems were updated:
    • jbuilder: 2.2.6
    • jquery-rails: 4.0.2
    • redcarpet: 3.2.2
    • sass-rails: 5.0.0
    • turbolinks: 2.5.3
    • uglifier: 2.6.0
  • Added: to keep in line with Rails 4.2.0, the following gems were added to the :development and :test groups:
    • byebug: 3.5.1
    • web-console: 2.0.0
    • spring: 1.2.0
  • Updated: the default maximum length for a username has been changed to 15 characters (previously, 10)
  • Updated: to reflect the changes to Action Mailer in Rails 4.2.0, the deliver method used by the contact form is now deliver_now
  • Updated: to reflect the changes to sass-rails 5.0.0 included with Rails 4.2.0, the .css. part of the stylesheet filenames has been dropped. The default stylesheets are now application.scss and railsbricks_custom.scss

This is most likely the last RailsBricks update this year. Thanks to everyone who supported the project throughout 2014! See you in 2015!